Bearing Precious Seed Seedline Project


Sunday - 9:15AM Sunday School - 10:30AM Worship Service

 August 09, 2024

 3:30 PM - 9:30 PM

 1097 Fett Ave. Lima, OH 45801

On Friday & Saturday, August 9th & 10th, we will be assembling John & Romans scriptures for distribution through the Bearing Precious Seed Seedline ministry. On Sunday morning, August 11th, we will dedicate those Scriptures and hear from Scott Sandy, the Director of Northeast BPS/Seedline and the son of Dr. Steve & Chris Sandy.

BPS/Seedline is a means for the local church to have hands-on involvement with Bible publishing and distribution for the world. This is accomplished through taking printed pages of Scripture, collating them, folding the cover, putting the pages into the cover, stapling it, cutting the book, then boxing books for distribution.