We Look Forward To Meeting You!
Welcome to Grace Baptist. We’ve put together some information here that anticipates and tries to briefly answer some of the questions you may have prior to visiting our church for the first time.

Most of our Sunday Services and Ministries takes place in our Main Building. You can drive up the ramp and drop off passengers or simply find a parking spot and walk up to the entrance. If you are coming for Sunday School (9:15am) simply ask someone where classes meet for you and your family members. Our Sunday Morning Worship (10:30am) begins with announcements, then includes a greeting time, giving back to God and a time to prepare our hearts. Our worship through music reflects our respect for the various generations. On any given Sunday we will sing a combination of hymns and worship songs. We sing hymns because we realize they are full of great biblical truths and a rich part of our tradition, and we sing worship songs because we realize they too are full of great biblical truths that aid us in worshiping God in spirit and in truth. Finally, Pastor MO will bring a message from the Bible. His messages include an explanation of the text and what the text means to you as you seek to live your life bringing Glory to God.
Our Family Life Center (FLC) has a high school size gym floor with stage, 2 classrooms, a well equipped and spacious kitchen and restrooms. The FLC is used for Volleyball, Basketball, Church Dinners, Sunday School Classes, Youth Events, Family Gatherings, Funeral Dinners, and Bath TFC Jr. High Chapter.